Are you saying
Chances are your dealership is saying Good-Bye Mr. Customer after a vehicle is sold. At best you provide one or two free oil change coupons with time limits. Some dealer take an extra step of sending couple of emails after the sale is made.
But the real dollars are generated by educating your customer on how to use their vehicle the right way. What it needs at what time and Mileage. Most Dealers have a menu system that they use for menu presentation and servicing the customer vehicle.
Do you say, your user manual and service schedule are in the glove-box? Most of the time when a vehicle owner thinks of servicing their vehicle, their user guide or maintenance schedules are not anywhere close to them. Are you leveraging the vehicle you sold the right way?
Dealers are the brand advocate of the OEM they deal with, yet most dealers backoff being one.
Our Fixed Ops Marketing solution just does that. We educate the vehicle owner using your dealership brand and OEM and bring them back to your dealership for generating more business